About Owen

On February 12, 2022, Owen died in a tragic car accident. During his short eighteen years, Owen reminded us every day that the human experience is about connection, belonging and joy.  The world will remember Owen as a student, a golfer, a volunteer in the community, an amazing friend, the crowd ringleader at all events, the commentator for sports and the overall informal mayor of Dover Sherborn. Yet Owen’s greatest gift was how he made people feel by engaging with the world from a place of optimism, genuineness and a passion for giving back to his community. It was this passion that spurred Owen’s involvement in many school and civic activities. To each, Owen brought his leadership and magnetic personality while bridging the differences along the way.

Our dearest Owen, if love could have kept you alive, you would have lived forever…

An Inspiring Teammate, a Respected Leader, a Fierce Competitor, an Enduring Legacy


“Owen was a player that every coach and teammate hopes to have. He played the game with so much heart and loved being on the course with his friends.”

Ben Schroeder, Teammate and Friend

“Owen’s ability to make others laugh and feel appreciated was what made him such a presence, it is what made him such a good leader.”

Curtis Bowman, Teammate and Friend

“In Owen’s short time he taught us a lot… be passionate about what you do and the people you care about… be all in! Give it all you’ve got.”

Coach Jon Kirby,
Dover Sherborn Varsity Golf Coach

“What made Owen special was not what he did, but how he did it. He made a difference by engaging with his peers, his teachers, his community and his family.”

Kelsey Chiu,
Project 351 Ambassador

“Owen’s selection as a Project 351 Ambassador recognized what his family and friends know best… his innate kindness, deep compassion, and the instinct to uplift others with that big smile or a day of service. Owen exemplified the inspiring difference one can make when they lead with love.”

Carolyn Casey,
Founder & Executive Director of Project 351


A Video Tribute


produced by Ben Gaynor


Team Owen Fund